The Dignity in Care Lead Investigator
Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov leads the research team that pioneered the Dignity Model and Dignity Therapy. For the last 25 years, Dr. Chochinov’s program of research has earned him recognition as one of the world’s leading palliative care scholars and researchers. He is also a Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba. His seminal publications addressing psychosocial dimensions of palliation have helped define core-competencies and standards of upholding dignity in end-of-life care.
Harvey Max Chochinov OC OM MD PhD FRCPC FRSC
Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov is a distinguished professor of psychiatry at the University of Manitoba and Senior Scientist at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute.

His seminal publications addressing psychosocial dimensions of palliation have helped define core-competencies and standards of upholding dignity in end-of-life care.
Dr. Chochinov leads the research team that pioneered the Dignity Model and Dignity Therapy. He is the co-founder of the Canadian Virtual Hospice, which is the world’s largest repository of web-based information and support for dying patients, their families and healthcare providers. His book, Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days was the 2011 won him the Prose Award. In addition to over 300 publications, he is the co-editor of the Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine, published by Oxford University Press, and the Journal Palliative and Support Care, published by Cambridge University Press.
His leadership in the field of Dignity in Care has earned him many honours, including top research awards from the Canadian Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Cancer Society, The European Association of Palliative Care Research, the American Association of Hospice and Palliative Care and the International Psycho-oncology Society; a lifetime achievement award from the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. In 2021, he received the highest honour that can be bestowed by the Canadian Medical Association, the FNG Starr Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. He is a recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal and the Order of Manitoba. He is also an Officer in the Order of Canada. In 2020 he was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.
Recent Media Features
Intensive Caring: Reminding Patients They Matter:
Michael J. Fox gives patients hope there may be a place that illness doesn’t touch:
Depression is a Liar:
Why is Being a Patient Such a Difficult Pill to Swallow:
Cancer.Net- How People With Advanced Cancer Can Find Meaning Toward the End of Life: An Expert Perspective:
Cancer.Net- How People With Advanced Cancer Can Find Meaning Toward the End of Life: An Expert Perspective:
Why is Being a Patient Such a Difficult Pill to Swallow/ National Public Radio/Academic Minute:
Better Patient Care Calls for a ‘Platinum Rule’ to Replace the Golden One. Scientific American
Letter to the Editor: Response to Downar et al. Medical Assistance in Dying and Palliative Care: Shared Trajectories
Currently Held Funds
2021 – 2024 Bylund C, Bluck S, Wilkie DJ, Kittelson S, Yao Y, Handzo G, Chochinov H, Emanuel L, Fitchett G, Hauser J. Dignity therapy for elderly cancer patients: Identifying mechanisms to promote desired outcomes. R01CA253330-01A1, $1,032,069.
2021 – 2022 Sapna Oberoi, Ian Scott, Chochinov HM, Dhasni Muthumuni, Sheila Garland, Fiona Schulte, Heather Palmer. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Virtual ‘Coping with Brain Fog’ Intervention for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation $480
2021 – 2023 Chochinov HM, Lewis K, Bolton J. Dignity Related Distress amongst Patients Requesting Medical Assistance in Dying. Department of Psychiatry Awards Program. $8,610
2020 – 2021 Riel S, Kredenster M, Chochinov HM, El-Gabalawy R, Hiebert T, Moussavi Z. Canadian Virtual Hospice Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation Knowledge Mobilization Partnership Program. $40,000
2020 – 2021 Chochinov HM, Bolton J, Hensel, J, Olafson K, Reynolds K, Kredentser M. Death, Dying and Dignity in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Research Manitoba COVID-19 rapid response. $235,676
2018 – 2020 Kim C, Daeninck P., Goldenberg B, Chochinov HM, Lix L, McClement S. The impact of early palliative care on the quality of life of patients with advanced pancreas cancer: A case-crossover study. CancerCare Manitoba Foundation Operating Grant ($120,000).
2016- 2021 Emanuel, L. (MPI), Wilkie, D.J. (contact MPI), Fitchett, G. (MPI), Handzo, G. (Co-I), Chochinov, H. (Co-I), and Site PIs–Delgodo Guay, M.O., Rabow, M., O’Mahony, S., Houser, J., Quest, T., & Kittelson, S. Dignity Therapy RCT led by Nurses or Chaplains for Elderly Cancer Outpatients. National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, 1R01CA200867-01, $3,917,265.
2016 – 2020 Sinclair SA, Hack TF, Sawatzky RG (Co-Principal Investigators); Co-Investigators: Barwich DB, Baxter S, Chochinov HM, et al Development and Validation of a Patient-Reported Measure of Compassionate Care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Health Services and Policy Research Project Grant ($636,356).
2014 – 2018 Thompson G, McClement S, Chochinov HM, Hack T, Harlos M, Funk L, Pereira A, Labun N. (Collaborators Klaasen K. & Derksen J.) Excellence in delivering person-centered intimate care: What makes the difference. Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($519,912).
2013 – 2018 Montross L, Chochinov HM, Jeste D, von Gunten C, Zisook S, Golshan S, Steinhauser K, Irwin S. Positive Outcomes of a Psychotherapy for End-of-Life Care, American Cancer Society, Career Development Award, $714,000.
2012 – 2018 Chochinov HM, McClement S, Hack T, Lobchuk M, Thompson G, Harlos, M. Dignity Talk: a novel palliative care intervention for patients and their families, CIHR, $200,383.
Recent Publications
- Hadler RA, Weeks S, Rosa WE, Choate S, Goldshore M, Julião M, Mergler B, Nelson J, Soodalter J, Zhuang C, Chochinov HM. Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Dignity-Conserving Practice. J Palliat Med. 2023 Oct 13. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2023.0544.
- Pankratz, L., Gill, G., Pirzada, S., Papineau, K., Reynolds, K., La Riviére, C., Bolton, J. M., Hensel, J., Olafson, K., Kredentser, M., El-Gabalawy, R., Hiebert, T., Chochinov, H. M. (2023) in press). “It Took so Much of the Humanness Away”: Health Care Professional Experiences Providing Care to Dying Patients during COVID-19. Death Studies
- Bovero, A., Cotardo, F., Cito, A., Pidinchedda, A., Pesce, S., Chochinov, HM., & Carletto, S. (2023). The Italian versions of the This Is ME Questionnaire and the Patient Dignity Question: Understanding personhood and supporting dignity in patients with terminal cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1478951523001281
- Natarajan D, Lo See Kit R, Liang Ka Shing E, Mok Ka Wai A, Li Chi To K, and Chochinov HM (2023) The validation of the Chinese (Cantonese) version of the patient dignity inventory in a Hong Kong palliative care setting, Palliative Medicine Reports 4:1, 231–238, DOI: 10.1089/pmr.2023.0013.
- Chochinov HM. Letter to the Editor: Response to Downar et al. Medical Assistance in Dying and Palliative Care: Shared Trajectories. Journal of Palliative Medicine.ahead of print
- Kredentser, M, Mackenzie, C, McClement, S, Enns, M, Hiebert-Murphy, D, Murphy, D, Chochinov, HM. (2023, in press). Neuroticism as a moderator of symptom-related distress and depression in four non-cancer end-of-life populations. Palliative & Supportive Care. 1-9. 300127X
- Pascual-Ramos V, Contreras-Yáñez I, Cuevas-Montoya M, Guaracha-Basáñez GA, García-Alanís CM, Rodríguez-Mayoral O, et al. (2023) Perceived dignity is an unrecognized source of emotional distress in patients with rheumatic diseases: Results from the validation of the Mexican version of the Patient Dignity Inventory. PLoS ONE 18(8): e0289315. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0289315
- Wilkie, D. J., Fitchett, G., Yao, Y., Schoppee, T., Delgado Guay, M. O., Hauser, J., Kittelson, S., O’Mahony, S., Rabow, M., Quest, T., Solomon, S., Handzo, G., Chochinov H. M., & Emanuel, L. L. (Accepted 7/26/2023). Engaging Mortality: Effective Implementation of Dignity Therapy. Journal of Palliative Medicine.
- Chochinov HM. Fractured Personhood, Suicide, and Lessons from Those Nearing Death. J Palliat Med. 2023 Jun 1. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2023.0299. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37262136
Read More
- Kim CA, Lelond S, Daeninck PJ, Rabbani R, Lix L, McClement S, Chochinov HM, Goldenberg BA. The impact of early palliative care on the quality of life of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: The IMPERATIVE case-crossover study. Support Care Cancer. 2023;31:250. doi:10.1007/s00520-023-07709-3.
- Chochinov HM. Intensive Caring: Reminding Patients They Matter. Journal of Clinical Oncology (In Press).
- Rosa W, McDarby M, Chochinov HM. Palliative care access: a matter of life and death. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023 Jan;26: 100586.
- Chen Z, Guo Q, Geng H, Xi L, Lin J, Chochinov HM. Development and Formative Evaluation of the Family-Based Dignity Therapy Protocol for Palliative Cancer Patients and Their Families: A Mixed-Methods Study. Cancer Nurs. 2022 Dec 1. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000001174. PMID: 36480339.
- Chen Z, Guo Q, Geng H, Xi L, Lin J, Chochinov HM. Development and Formative Evaluation of the Family-Based Dignity Therapy Protocol for Palliative Cancer Patients and Their Families: A Mixed-Methods Study. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000001174. PMID: 36477382.
- Chochinov HM. Medical Assistance in Dying, Data and Casting Assertions Aside. J Palliat Med. 2023 Jan;26(1):9-12. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0484. Epub 2022 Oct 18. PMID: 36260363; PMCID: PMC9810496.
- Chochinov HM. Seeing Ellen and the Platinum Rule. JAMA Neurol. 2022 No 1;79(11):1099. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2022.2400. PMID: 36036906.
- Chochinov HM. In Praise of Wisdom: A Morality Tale. J Palliat Med. 2022 Oct;25(10):1460-1461. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0325. Epub 2022 Jul 1. PMID:35776083; PMCID: PMC9529299.
- Bishop V, Bainbridge D, Kumar S, Williams A, Law M, Pesut B, Chochinov H, Seow H. The impact of the Caremongering social media movement: A convergent parallel mixed-methods study. Health Soc Care Community. 2022 Nov;30(6):e5167-e5175. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13933. Epub 2022 Jul 22. PMID: 35866253.
- Handzo GF, Chochinov HM, Emanuel L, Fitchett G, Hauser J, Kittelson S, Schoppee TM, Yao Y, Solomon S, Wilkie DJ. Letter to the Editor: Feasibility of Dignity Therapy to Reduce Death Anxiety. J Palliat Med. 2022 Oct;25(10):1458-1459. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0263. PMID: 36190483.
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- Emanuel LL, Solomon S, Chochinov HM, Delgado Guay MO, Handzo G, Hauser J, Kittelson S, O’Mahony S, Quest TE, Rabow MW, Schoppee TM, Wilkie DJ, Yao Y, Fitchett G. Death Anxiety and Correlates in Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care. J Palliat Med 2022 Sep 2. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0052. PMID: 36067074.
- Bylund CL, Taylor G, Mroz E, Wilkie DJ, Yao Y, Emanuel L, Fitchett G, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Bluck S. Empathic communication in dignity therapy: Feasibility of measurement and descriptive findings. Palliat Support Care. 2022 Jun;20(3):321-327. doi: 10.1017/S1478951521001188. PMID: 35713352; PMCID: PMC9213888.
- Julião M, Chochinov H, Antunes B, Samorinha C, Faustino C, Lemos Caldas M, Bragança A, Vaz M. The European Portuguese Posthumous Dignity Therapy Schedule of Questions: Initial development and validation. Palliat Support Care. 2022 May 19:1-9. doi: 10.1017/S1478951522000396. PMID: 35586874.
- Rosa WE, Chochinov HM, Coyle N, Hadler RA, Breitbart WS. Attending to the Existential Experience in Oncology: Dignity and Meaning Amid Awareness of Death. JCO Glob Oncol. 2022 Mar;8:e2200038. doi: 10.1200/GO.22.00038. PMID: 35286135; PMCID: PMC8932479.
- Grassi L, Nanni MG, Caruso R, Ounalli H, Chochinov HM, Biancosino B, Testoni I, Murri MB, Bertelli T, Palagini L, De Padova S, Tiberto E. A comparison of Dignity Therapy narratives among people with severe mental illness and people with cancer. Psychooncology. 2022 Feb 28. doi: 10.1002/pon.5913. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35226396
- Chochinov HM The Platinum Rule: A New Standard for Person-Centred Care. J Palliat Med. 2022 Feb 25. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2022.0075. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35230173.
- Jenewein Josef, Moergeli Hanspeter, Meyer-Heim Tatjana, Muijres Peter, Bopp-Kistler Irene, Chochinov Harvey M., Peng-Keller Simon. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy of Dignity Therapy in Patients With Early Stage Dementia and Their Family. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 2021. DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.795813 PMID:35002810
- Schoppee TM, Scarton L, Bluck S, Yao Y, Keenan G, Samuels V, Fitchett G, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Emanuel LL, Wilkie DJ. Dignity therapy intervention fidelity: a cross-sectional descriptive study with older adult outpatients with cancer. BMC Palliat Care. 2022 Jan 11;21(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s12904-021-00888-y. PMID: 35016670.
- Rodríguez-Mayoral O, Galindo-Vázquez O, Allende-Pérez S, Arzate-Mireles C, Peña-Nieves A, Cantú-Quintanilla G, Lerma A, Harvey Max Chochinov Validation of the Patient Dignity Inventory in Mexican Cancer Patients J Palliat Med 2021 Nov;24(11):1626-1633. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0572. Epub 2021 Mar 23. PMID: 33761289
- Goldzweig G, Applebaum A, Borasio GD, Cho J, Chochinov HM, Ishida M, Loscalzo M, Breitbart W. Fighting racism in research. Palliat Support Care. 2021 Oct;19(5):513-514. doi: 10.1017/S1478951521001577. PMID: 34676812\
Read more
- Buonaccorso L, Tanzi S, De Panfilis L, Ghirotto L, Autelitano C, Chochinov HM, Di Leo S, Martucci G. Meanings Emerging From Dignity Therapy Among Cancer Patients. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 Oct;62(4):730-737. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.02.028. Epub 2021 Feb 20. PMID: 33621595.
- Rantanen P, Chochinov HM, Emanuel LL, Handzo G, Wilkie DJ, Yao Y, Fitchett G. Existential Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2021 Jul 28;S0885-3924(21)00467-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.07.016. PMID: 34332045.
- Emanuel L, Solomon S, Fitchett G, Chochinov H, Handzo G, Schoppee T, Wilkie D. Fostering Existential Maturity to Manage Terror in a Pandemic. J Palliat Med. 2021 Jun 17. DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0263. PMID 32552500 PMCID: PMC7840299.
- Schoppee, T. M., Scarton, L., Bluck, S., Yao, Yingwei, Keenan, G., Handzo, G., Chochinov, HM, Fitchett, G., Emanuel, L. L., & Wilkie, D. J., (Online, 2021). Description of a Training Protocol to Improve Research Reproducibility for Dignity Therapy, an Interview-Based Intervention. Palliative and Supportive Care. doi: 10.1017/S1478951521000614. PMID: 34036932
- Julião M, Sobral MA, Johnston B, Lemos AR, Almeida S, Antunes B, Dönmez ÇF, Chochinov HM. (2021). A Portuguese trial using Dignity Therapy for adults who have a life-threatening disease: qualitative analysis of generativity documents. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1478951521000754
- Bylund CL, Taylor G, Mroz E, Wilkie DJ, Yao Y, Emanuel L, Fitchett G, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Bluck S. (2021). Empathic communication in Dignity Therapy: Feasibility of measurement and descriptive findings. Pall Support Care. In press
- Schoppee TM, Scarton L, Bluck S, Yao Y, Kennan G, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Fichett G, Emanuel LL, Wilkie DJ. (2021). Description of a training protocol to improve research reproducibility for dignity therapy: an interview-based intervention. Pall Support Care. 2021 May 26: 1-11. PMID:34036932 | DOI:10.1017/S1478951521000614
- Thompson, G., McClement, S., Peters, S., Hack, T., Funk, L. & Chochinov, H. (2021). More than just a task: Intimate care delivery in the nursing home. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16(1), 1943123
- Thompson, G., Hack, T., Rodger, K., St. John, P., Chochinov, H., & McClement, S. (2021). Clarifying the information and support needs of family caregivers of nursing home residents with advancing dementia. Dementia, 20(4), 1250-1269. doi:10.1177/1471301220927617
- Bluck S, Mroz EL, Wilkie DJ, Emanuel L, Handzo G, Fitchett G, Chochinov HM, Bylund CL. Quality of Life for Older Cancer Patients: Relation of Psychospiritual Distress to Meaning-Making During Dignity Therapy. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2021 Apr 29:10499091211011712.
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- Gonzalez-Ling A, Galindo Vázquez O, Rascón-Gasca ML, Robles R, Chochinov HM. Dignity therapy in Mexican lung cancer patients with emotional distress: Impact on psychological symptoms and quality of life. Palliative and Supportive Care 2021 Apr 19: 1–7. doi: 10.1017/S1478951521000468
- Damen, A., Exline, J., Pargament, K., Yao, Y., Chochinov, H., Emanuel, L., Handzo, G., Wilkie, D.J., Fitchett, G.. Prevalence, predictors and correlates of religious and spiritual struggles in palliative cancer patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2021 May 10:S0885-3924(21)00325-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.04.024. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33984462.
- Julião M, Chochinov HM, Samorinha C, Soares DDS, Antunes B. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Will-to-Live in Patients with Advanced Disease: Results from a Portuguese Retrospective Study. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 Feb 22:S0885-3924(21)00207-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.02.018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33631327
- Rodríguez-Mayoral O, Galindo-Vázquez O, Allende-Pérez S, Arzate-Mireles C, Peña-Nieves A, Cantú-Quintanilla G, Lerma A, Chochinov HM. Validation of the Patient Dignity Inventory in Mexican Cancer Patients. J Palliat Med. 2021 Mar 23. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0572.
- Testoni I, D’Ippolito M, Iacona E, Zamperini A, Mencacci E, Chochinov HM, Grassi L. “Dignity Therapy and the past That Matters: Dialogues with Older People on Values and Photos” Journal of Loss and Trauma. 2021 Mar 6:1-10. DOI:10.1080/15325024.2021.1894797
- Julião M, Antunes B, Samorinha C, Chochinov HM. “Hello. May I speak with someone, please? It’s not about my physical pain.”: A retrospective study about the factors associated with phone calls to a Portuguese home-based palliative care team. Palliat Support Care. 2021 Mar 4:1-6. doi: 10.1017/S1478951521000183. PMID: 33658104.
- Samuels, V., Schoppee, T., Greenlee, A., Gordon, D., Reed, T., Jean, S., Smith, V., Kittelson, S., Quest, T., O’Mahony, S., Hauser, J., Delgado Guay, M.O., Rabow, M., Emanuel, L., Fitchett, G., Handzo, G., Chochinov, H., Yao, Y., & Wilkie, D. J. (Online, 2021). Interim analysis of attrition rates in palliative care study on dignity therapy. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 2021 Feb 9:1049909121994309.
- Chochinov HM, Julião M. Dignity, Memory, and Final Wishes of Dying Children. J Palliat Med. 2020 Nov 4. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0599.
- Kredentser MS, Chochinov HM Psychotherapeutic Considerations for Patients with Terminal Illness. The American Journal of Psychotherapy 2020 Oct.
- Julião M, Sobral MA, Calçada P, Antunes B, Runa D, Samorinha C, Chochinov HM, Breitbart W. The desire for death in Portuguese home-care palliative patients: Retrospective analysis of the prevalence and associated factors. Palliat Support Care. 2020 Sep 28:1-7. doi: 10.1017/S1478951520000863.
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- Sinclair S, Hack TF, McClement S, Raffin-Bouchal S, Chochinov HM, Hagen NA. Healthcare providers perspectives on compassion training: a grounded theory study.
- BMC Med Educ. 2020 Aug 5;20(1):249. doi: 10.1186/s12909-020-02164-8.
- Julião M, Santos A, Albuquerque S, Antunes B, Crujo M, Sobral MA, Cancelinha C, da Silva Soares D, Fradique E, Palaré MJ, Chochinov HM. Operationalizing dignity therapy for adolescents. Palliat Support Care. 2020 Jul 30:1-6. doi: 10.1017/S1478951520000589.
- Chochinov HM, Bolton J, Sareen J. Death, Dying, and Dignity in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Palliat Med. 2020 Oct;23(10):1294-1295. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0406. Epub 2020 Jul 9.
- Julião M, Sobral MA, Calçada P, Antunes B, Nunes B, Bragança A, Runa D, Faria de Sousa P, Chochinov HM, Bruera E “Truly holistic?” Differences in documenting physical and psychosocial needs and hope in Portuguese palliative patients. Palliat Support Care. 2020 Jun 25:1-6. doi: 10.1017/S1478951520000413.
- Julião M , Antunes B , Santos A , Sobral MA , Albuquerque S , Fareleira F , Runa D , Faria de Sousa P , Chaves P , Gonçalves C , Soares D , Chochinov HM. Adapting the Portuguese dignity question framework for adolescents: Ages 10–18. Palliative and Supportive Care, 2020 Apr, 18(2):199-205. doi:10.1017/S1478951519000798
- Lemos Caldas M , Julião M , Santos AJ , Chochinov HM. Portuguese Patient Dignity Question: A cross-sectional study of palliative patients cared for in primary care. Palliative & supportive care. 2020 Mar 10, 21(8): 1-4. doi: 10.1017/S1478951520000164
- Saracino R, Rosenfield B, Breitbart W, Chochinov HM. Psychotherapy at End of Life. The American Journal of Bioethics (Special issue celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kubler-Ross’s On Death and Dying). 2019 Dec 19, Volume 19, Issue 12, 19-28.
- Guo Q, Zheng R, Jacelon CS, McClement S, Thompson G, Chochinov H. Dignity of the patient–family unit: further understanding in hospice palliative care. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2019 Jul 14. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001834. doi: 10.2196/12213.
- Kittelson S, Scarton L, Barker P, Hauser J, O’Mahony S, Rabow M, Delgado Guay M, Quest TE, Emanuel L, Fitchett G, Handzo G, Yao Y, Chochinov HM, Wilkie D. Dignity Therapy Led by Nurses or Chaplains for Elderly Cancer Palliative Care Outpatients: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Medical Internet Research, Research Protocols, 8(4), e12213. doi: 10.2196/12213. PMID: 30994466 PMCID: PMC6492061
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- Thompson G, Shindruk C, Wickson-Griffiths A, Sussman T, Hunter P, McClement S, Chochinov H, McCleary L, Kaasalainen S, Venturato L. “Who would want to die like that?” Perspectives on dying alone in a long-term care setting. Death Stud. 2018 Sep 12:1-12. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1491484.
- Hack TF, McClement SE, Chochinov HM, Dufault B, Johnston W, Enns MW, Thompson GN, Harlos M, Damant RW, Ramsey CD, Davison SN, Zacharias J, Strang D, Campbell-Enns HJ. Assessing Symptoms, Concerns, and Quality of Life in Noncancer Patients at End of Life: How Concordant Are Patients and Family Proxy Members? J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 Nov;56(5):760-766.
- Scarton, L., Oh, S., Sylvera A., Lamonge, R., Yao, Y., Emanuel, L., Fitchett, G., Handzo, G., Chochinov, H., & Wilkie, D.J. (2018, May 24). Dignity impact as a primary outcome measure for dignity therapy. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 35(11), 1417-1420. PMID: 29793345 PMCID: PMC6082719.
- Julião M, Courelas C, Costa MJ, Correia Santos N, Fareleira F, Antunes B, Magalhães S, Faria de Sousa P, Chochinov HM (2018, May 11). The Portuguese versions of the This Is ME Questionnaire and the Patient Dignity Question: tools for understanding and supporting personhood in clinical care. Ann Palliat Med, pii: apm.2018.04.04. doi: 10.21037/apm.2018.04.04. [Epub ahead of print]
- De Lorenzo R, Ferri P, Biffarella C, Cabri G, Carretti E, Pollutri G, Spattini L, Del Giovane C, Chochinov HM (2018). Psychometric properties of the Patient Dignity Inventory in an acute psychiatric ward: an extension study of the preliminary validation. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 14: 903-913.
- Singh P, Raffin-Bouchal S, McClement S, Hack TF, Stajduhar K, Hagen NA, Sinnarajah A, Chochinov HM, Sinclair S (2018, Mar 25). Healthcare providers’ perspectives on perceived barriers and facilitators of compassion: Results from a grounded theory study. J Clin Nurs, doi: 10.1111/jocn.14357. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29575539.
- Sinclair S, Hack TF, Raffin-Bouchal S, McClement S, Stajduhar K, Singh P, Hagen NA, Sinnarajah A, Chochinov HM (2018, Mar 14). What are healthcare providers’ understandings and experiences of compassion? The healthcare compassion model: a grounded theory study of healthcare providers in Canada. BMJ Open, 8(3):e019701. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019701. PubMed PMID: 29540416; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5857658.
- Scarton, L., Boyken, L., Lucero, R., Fitchett, G., Handzo, G., Emanuel, L., & Wilkie, D.J. (2018). Effects of dignity therapy on family members: A systematic review. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 20(6), 542-547. PMID: 30379798 PMCID: PMC6214195
- Ho AHY, Car J, Ho MR, Tan-Ho G, Choo PY, Patinadan PV, Chong PH, Ong WY, Fan G, Tan YP, Neimeyer RA, Chochinov HM (2017, Dec 4). A novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for enhancing and informing holistic palliative care in Asia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18(1):587. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-2325-5. PMID: 29202863
- Chochinov HM, Johnston W, McClement SE, Hack TF, Dufault B, Enns M, Thompson G, Harlos M, Damant RW, Ramsey CD, Davison S, Zacharias J, Milke D, Strang D, Campbell-Enns HJ, Kredentsere MS (2017, Nov). Correction: Dignity and Distress towards the End of Life across Four Non-Cancer Populations. PLoS One, 9;12(11):e0188141. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188141. eCollection 2017.
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- Guo Q, Cann B, McClement S, Thompson G, Chochinov HM. Keep in Touch (KIT): feasibility of using internet-based communication and information technology in palliative care (2017, May 6). BMC Palliative Care, 16(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s12904-017-0203-2. PMID: 28477630
- Campbell-Enns HJ, Woodgate RL, Chochinov HM. (2017). Barriers to information provision regarding breast cancer and its treatment. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25(1), 3209-3216. doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3730-8.
- Lopez C, Bertram-Farough A, Heywood D, Dawson L, Dillon M, Chochinov HM, Plourde P. (2017, Feb 1). Knowing about you: eliciting dimensions of personhood within tuberculosis care. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. Feb 1;21(2):149-153.
- Rousseau S, Turner S, Chochinov HM, Enns MW, Sareen J (2017, Jan 1). A National Survey of Canadian Psychiatrists’ Attitudes toward Medical Assistance in Death. Can J Psychiatry. doi: 10.1177/0706743717711174. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28548865
- Sinclair S, Beamer K, Hack TF, McClement S, Raffin Bouchal S, Chochinov HM and Hagen NA. (2017). Sympathy, empathy, and compassion: A grounded theory study of palliative care patients’ understandings, experiences, and preferences. Palliative Medicine, Vol. 31(5) 437–447.
- Chochinov HM. (2016). Healthcare Provider as Witness. The Lancet, 388: 1272-1273.
- Frazee C, Chochinov HM (2016). The Annals of Assisted Death. Annals of Internal Medicine, 165(10): 731-732.
- Chochinov HM, Frazee C. (2016). Finding a balance: Canada’s law on medical assistance in dying. The Lancet, 388(10044): 534-545.
- Guo Q, Cann B, McClement S, Thompson G, Chochinov HM. (2016). Keep in Touch (KIT): perspectives on introducing internet-based communication and information technologies in palliative care. BMC Palliative Care, 15:66
- Sinclair S, Torres MB, Raffin-Bouchal S, Hack TF, McClement SE, Hagen N, Chochinov HM. (2016, Jul). Compassion training in healthcare: What are patients’ perspectives on training healthcare providers? BMC Medical Education.2016, 16:169.
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- Pan J, Chochinov HM, Thompson G, McClement S. (2016, Jul). The TIME Questionnaire: A tool for eliciting personhood and enhancing dignity in nursing homes. Geriatric Nursing, 37(4): 273-277.
- Wilson KG, Dalgleish TL, Chochinov HM, Chary S, Gagnon PR, Macmillan K, De Luca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D & Fainsinger RL. (2016 June). Mental disorders and the desire for death in patients receiving palliative care for cancer. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 6(2): 170-177.
- MacKinnon CJ, Smith NG, Henry M, Milma E, Farrace A, Korner A, Chochinov HM & Cohen SR. (2016, Feb). A pilot study of meaning-based group counseling for bereavement. Omega (United States), 72(3): 210-233.
- Sinclair S, McClement SE, Raffin-Bouchal S, Hack T, Hagen N, McConnell S, Chochinov HM. (2016, Feb). Compassion in health care: An empirical model. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 51(2): 193-203.
- Chochinov HM, Johnston W, McClement SE, Hack TF, Dufault B, Enns M, Thompson G, Harlos M, Damant RW, Ramsey CD, Davison S, Zacharias J, Milke D, Strang D, Campbell-Enns HJ, Kredentser MS. (2016, Jan). Dignity and Distress Towards the End of Life Across Four Non-Cancer Populations. Plos One, 11(1): e0147607
- Chochinov HM. (2016, Jan). Physician-Assisted Death in Canada. Journal of the American Medical Association, 315(3): 253-254.
- Sinclair S, Norris JM, McConnell SJ, Chochinov HM, Hack TF, Hagen NA, McClement S & Raffin-Bouchal S. (2016, Jan). Compassion: A scoping review of the healthcare literature. BMC Palliative Care, 15(6). Open access:
- Mowll J, Lobb EA, Lane L, Lacey J, Chochinov HM, Kelly B, Agar M, Links M, Kearsley JH, (2015, Oct). A preliminary study to develop an intervention to facilitate communication intrabetween couples in advanced cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care, 6:1-10.
- Chochinov HM, McClement S, Hack T, Thompson G, Dufault B, Harlos M. (2015, June). Eliciting Personhood Within Clinical Practice: Effects on Patients, Families and Health Care Providers, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 17:1-28.
- MacKinnon C, Smith N, Henry M, Milman E, Berish M, Farrace A, Korner A, Chochinov HM & Cohen SR. (2015, Feb). A pilot study of meaning-based group counseling for bereavement. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 39(7):411-421.
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- MacKinnon C, Smith N, Henry M, Milman E, Chochinov HM, Korner A, Berish M, Farrace A, Liarikos N, Cohen, RS. (2015, Feb). Reconstructing meaning with others in loss: A feasibility pilot randomized controlled trial of a bereavement group. Death Studies, 39(7):411-21.
- · Chochinov HM. (2014). Getting MAD (Medical Aid in Dying) in Canada. Palliative and Supportive Care, 12: 423-424.
- Aoun S, Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L. (2014). Dignity Therapy for People with Motor Neurone Disease and their Family Caregivers: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 18(1):31-37.
- Stenekes S, Ens C, Harlos M, Chochinov HM, Mytopher K. (2014). A descriptive study evaluating perinatal health care providers’ perspectives of palliative programming in 3 Canadian Institutions. The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 28(4):280-9.
- Chochinov HM. (2014). Health Care, health caring, and the culture of medicine. Current Oncology, 21(5):e668-9.
- Kredentser M, Martens P, Chochinov HM, Prior HJ. (2014). Cause and rate of death in people with schizophrenia across the lifespan: A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75(2):154-161.
- Chochinov HM. (2014). Is It Time to Get MAD? HealthcarePapers, 14(1):50-57.
- Wilson K, Dalgleish T, Chochinov HM, Chary S, Gagnon P, MacMillan K, DeLuca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D, Fainsinger R. (2014). Mental Disorders and the Desire for Death in Patients Receiving Palliative Care for Cancer. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 0:1-8.
- MacKinnon CJ, Smith NG, Henry M, Milman E, Berish M, Körner A, Copeland L, Chochinov HM, Cohen S. (2014). Bridging theory with emerging trends in intervention research: Meaning-based group counseling for bereavement. Death Studies, 38(3):137-144.
- MacKinnon C, Milman E, Smith, N, Henry M, Berish M, Copeland L, Körner A, Chochinov HM, & Cohen SR. (2012) Means to meaning in cancer-related bereavement: Identifying clinical implications for counseling psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(2):216-239.
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- Chochinov HM. (2013). Dignity in Care: Time to Take Action. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46(50):756-9.
- Houmann L, Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L, Petersen M, Groenvold M. (2013). A prospective evaluation of Dignity Therapy in advanced cancer patients admitted to palliative care. Palliative Medicine, 28(5):448-458.
- Hohl C, Stenekes S, Harlos M, Shepherd E, McClement S, Chochinov HM. (2013). Methotrimeprazine for the management of end-of-life symptoms in infants and children. Journal of Palliative Care, 29(3):178-185.
- Sinclair S & Chochinov HM. (2012). Communicating with patients about existential and spiritual issues: SACR-D work. Progress in Palliative Care, 20(2):72-78.
- Chochinov HM. (2013). The Secret is out: Patients are People with Feelings that Matter, Palliative and Supportive Care, 11, 287–288.
- Martens PJ, Chochinov HM, Prior HJ. (2013). Where and how people with schizophrenia die: a population-based, matched cohort study in Manitoba, Canada. J Clin Psychiatry, 74(6):e551-7.
- Chochinov HM. (2013). Palliative care: Secobarbital in Seattle—why lose sleep? Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 10:369-370.
- Ho A, Chan C, Chochinov HM, Neimeyer R, Pang S, Tse D, Leung P. (2013). Living and dying with dignity in Chinese society: Perspectives of older palliative care patients in Hong Kong. Age and Aging, 42(4):455-461.
- Chochinov HM, McClement S, Hack T, McKeen N, Rach A, Gagnon P, Sinclair S, Taylor-Brown J.(2013). Healthcare provider communication: An empirical model of therapeutic effectiveness. Cancer, 119(9):1703-1713.
- Sinclair S, Raffin S, Chochinov HM, Hagen N, McClement S. (2012). Spiritual care: How to do it. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2:319-327.
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- Chan S, Ho A, Leung P, Chochinov HM, Neimeyer R, Pang S, Tse D. (2012). The Blessings and the Curses of Filial Piety on Dignity at the End of Life: Lived Experience of Caregivers. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 21(4):277–296.
- Thompson G, McClement S, Menec V, Chochinov HM. (2012). Understanding Bereaved Family Members’ Dissatisfaction with End-of-Life Care in Nursing Homes. Journal of Gerentological Nursing, 38(10):49-60.
- Bentley B, Aoun S, O’Connor M, Breen L, Chochinov HM. (2012). Is dignity therapy feasible to enhance the end of life experience for people with motor neurone disease and their family carers? BMC Palliative Care, 11(1):18.
- Harlos M, Stenekes S, Lambert D, Hohl C, Chochinov HM. (2013) Intranasal Fentanyl In The Palliative Care Of Newborns and Infants. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46(2):265-274.
- Chochinov HM, McClement S, Hack T, McKeen N, Rach A, Gagnon P, Sinclair S, Taylor-Brown J. (2012). The Patient Dignity Inventory: Applications in the oncology setting. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(9):998-1005.
- Chochinov HM, Martens P, Prior H, Kredentser M. (2012). Comparative health care use patterns of people with schizophrenia near the end of life: A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada. Schizophrenia Research, 141(2-3):241-246.
- Corn B, Chochinov HM, Vachon M. (2012). Integrating spiritual care into the practice of oncology. Current Opinions in Supportive Care, 6(2):226-7.
- Pilkey J, Demers C, Chochinov HM, Venkatesan N. (2012). Does gynaecologic malignancy predict likelihood of a tertiary palliative care unit hospital admission? A comparison of local, provincial and national death rates. Palliative and Supportive Care, 22:1-6.
- Sinclair S & Chochinov HM. (2012). The role of chaplains within interdisciplinary oncology teams. Current Opinions in Supportive and Palliative Care, 6:259-268.
- Steinstra D & Chochinov HM. (2012). Palliative Care for Vulnerable Populations. Palliative and Supportive Care, 10(1):37-42
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- Chochinov HM, Cann B, Cullihall K, Kristjanson K, Harlos M, McClement S, Hack T, Hassard H. (2012). Dignity Therapy: A Feasibility Study of Elders in Long-term Care. Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care, 10:3-15.
- Chochinov HM & Stienstra D. (2012). Vulnerability and Palliative Care. Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care, 10:37-42.
- Chochinov HM. (2012). Relatively speaking. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 43(3):e6-7.
- Thompson G, McClement S, Chochinov HM. (2011). How respect and kindness are experienced at the end-of-life by nursing home residents. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(3):96-118.
- Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L, Breitbart W, McClement S, Hack T, Hassard T, Harlos M. (2011). Effect of dignity therapy on distress and end-of-life experience in terminally ill patients: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol, 12(8):753-62.
- Chochinov HM. (2011). Death, time and the theory of relativity. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 42(3):460-3
- Ens C, Chochinov HM, Gwyther E, Moses S, Jackson C, Thompson G, Harding R. (2011). Postgraduate palliative care education: Evaluation of a South African programme. South African Medical Journal, 101(1):42-44.
- McClement S, Lobchuk M, Chochinov HM, Dean R. (2010). Broken Covenant: Healthcare Aides’ Experience of the Ethical in Caring for Dying Seniors in a Personal Care Home. The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 21(3):201-11.
- Chochinov HM. (2010). Humility and the Practice of Medicine. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(11):1217-8.
- Gagnon P, Chochinov HM, Cochrane J-P, le Moignan Moreau J, Fontaine R, Croteau, L. (2010). Psychothérapie de la dignité: une intervention pour réduire la détresse psychologique chez les personnes en soins palliatifs. Psycho-Onoclogy, 4:169-175.
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- Houmann, L., Rydahl-Hansen, S., Chochinov, HM., Kristjanson, L., Groenvold, M. (2010). Testing the feasibility of the Dignity Therapy interview: adaptation for the Danish culture. BMC Palliative Care, 9(1):21.
- Hack T, McClement S, Chochinov HM, Cann B, Hassard T, Kristjanson L, Harlos M. (2010). Learning from dying patients during their final days: life reflections gleaned from dignity therapy. Palliative Medicine, July; 24(7):715-723.
- Thompson G & Chochinov HM. (2010). Reducing the potential for suffering in older adults with cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care. Feb; 18:1-11
- Thompson G, Chochinov HM, Wilson K, McPherson C, Gagnon P, Kuhl D, O’Shea F, Fainsinger R. (2009). Prognostic acceptance and the well-being of patients receiving palliative care for cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. October 13
- Puchalski C, Ferrell B, Virani R, Otis-Green S, Baird P, Bull J, Chochinov HM, Handzo G, Nelson-Becker H, Prince-Paul M, Pugliese K, Sulmasy D. (2009). Improving the quality of spiritual care as a dimension of palliative care: the report of the Consensus Conference. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Oct;12(10): 885-904.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, McClement S, Kristjanson L, Harlos M, Murray A, Sinclair S. (2009). The Landscape of Distress in the Terminally Ill, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Nov; 38(5):641-649.
- Wowchuk S, Wilson E, Embleton L, Garcia M, Harlos M, Chochinov HM. (2009). The Palliative Medication Kit: An effective way of extending care in the home for patients nearing death. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Sep;12(9):797-803.
- Wilson K, Chochinov HM, Allard P, Chary S, Gagnon P, MacMillan K, Luca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D, Fainsinger R. (2009). Prevalence and correlates of pain in the Canadian National Palliative Care Survey. (special series on cancer pain) Pain and Research Management. Sept-Oct 14(5): 365-70
- Hall S, Edmonds P, Harding R, Chochinov HM, Higginson I. (2009). Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of Dignity Therapy for people with advanced cancer referred to a hospital-based palliative care team: Study protocol, BMC Cancer Palliative Care, May 16: 8:5
- Martens P, Chochinov HM, Prior H, Fransoo R, Burland E. (2009). Are cervical cancer screening rates different for women with schizophrenia? A Manitoba population-based study. Schizophrenia Research. Aug;113(1): 101-6.
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- Chochinov HM, Martens P, Prior H, Fransoo R, Burland E. (2009). Does a diagnosis of schizophrenia reduce rates of mammography screening? A Manitoba population-based study. Schizophrenia Research. Aug; 113(1): 95-100.
- Thompson G, Menec V, Chochinov HM, McClement S. (2009). Family satisfaction with care of a dying loved on in nursing homes: What makes the difference? The Exchange. Available at:
- Thompson G, Ens C, Chochinov HM. (2009). Patient centred supportive and palliative care. The Exchange. Available at:
- Chochinov HM. (2009). Dignidad y la esencia de la medicina: el A, B, C y D del cuidado centrado en la dignidad. (translated into Spanish by Carolina Casañas i Comabella) Medicina Palliativa. 16:2.
- Hall S, Chochinov HM, Harding R, Murray S, Richardson A, Higginson I. (2009). A Phase II randomized control trial assessing the acceptability and potential effectiveness of Dignity Therapy for older people in care homes: Study protocol, BMC Geriatrics. 2009, 9;924 Mar.
- Chochinov HM. (2009). The Culture of Research in Palliative Care: You Probably Think this Song is About You. Journal of Palliative Medicine. March; 12(3): 215-7.
- Chochinov HM. (2008). Psychiatry and palliative care: 2 sides of the same coin. Journal of Psychiatry. 53(11):711-712.
- Chochinov HM. (2008). HM. Dignity. Dignity? Dignity! Journal of Palliative Medicine. 11(5):674-5.
- Ens C, Gwyther L, Moses S, Chochinov HM, Jackson C, Harding R. (2008). Access to hospice care: multi-professional specialist perspectives in South Africa. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 14(4):169-74.
- Thompson G, Chochinov HM. (2008). Dignity-based approaches in the care of the terminally ill patients. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care. 2(1): 49-53.
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- Thompson G, Chochinov HM, Menec V, McClement S. (2008). Family satisfaction with care of a dying loved one in nursing homes: What makes the difference. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(12):37-44.
- McClement S, Chochinov HM. (2008). Hope in advanced cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer. 44(8):1169-74.
- Rasic D, Belik S, Bolton J, Chochinov HM, Sareen J. (2008). Cancer, mental disorders, suicidal ideation and attempts in a large community sample. Psychoonology. Jul; 17(7): 660-7.
- Ens C, Berard J, Harlos M, Chochinov HM, Stenekes S, Wowchuk S. (2008). Pediatric palliative care online: the views of health care professonals. Journal of Palliative Care. 24(1):41-8.
- Chochinov HM, Hassard T, McClement S, Hack T, Kristjanson L, Harlos M, Sinclair S, Murray A. (2008). The Patient Dignity Inventory: A novel way of measuring dignity related distress in Palliative Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Dec. 36(6): 559 – 571
- Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L, Hack T, Hassard T, McClement S, Harlos M. (2007). Burden to others and the terminally ill. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 34(5):463-71.
- McClement S, Hack T, Chochinov HM, Hassard T, Kristjanson L, Harlos M. (2007). Dignity Therapy: Family Member Perspectives. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 10(5):1076-82.
- Chochinov HM. (2007). The five research C’s. Palliative and Supportive Care. Sept;5(3): 203-5.
- Wilson K, Chochinov HM, McPherson C, Skirko M, Allard P, Chary S, Gagnon P, Macmillan K, DeLuca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D, Fainsinger R, Karan A, Clinch J. (2007).Desire for euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide in palliative cancer care. Health Psychology. 26(3):314-323.
- Wilson K, Chochinov HM, McPherson C, LeMay K, Allard P, Chary S, Gagnon P, Macmillan K, De Luca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D, Fainsinger R. (2007). Suffering with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 25(13):1691-7.
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- Wilson K, Chochinov HM, Graham M, Allard P, Chary S, Gagnon PR, Macmillan K, DeLuca M, O’Shea F, Kuhl D, Fainsinger RL, Clinch J. (2007). Depression and anxiety disorders in palliative cancer care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 33(2):118-129.
- Chochinov HM. (2007). Dignity and the essence of medicine: The A, B, C and D of Dignity Conserving Care. British Medical Journal. 335(7612):184-187.
- Kelly B, McClement S, Chochinov HM. (2006). Measurement of psychological distress in palliative care. Palliative Medicine. 20(8):779-789.
- Thompson G & Chochinov HM. (2006). Methodological Challenges in Measuring Quality Care at the End of Life in the Long-term Care Environment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 32(4):378-91.
- Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L, Hack T, Hassard T, McClement S, Harlos M. (2006). Personality, Neuroticism and End-of-Life Care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 32(4):332-341.
- Chochinov HM. (2006). Barney’s Version: Observations from the Edge. Palliative and Supportive Care. 4(3):217-218.
- Chochinov HM, Kristjanson L, Hack T, Hassard T, McClement S, Harlos M. (2006). Dignity in the terminally ill: revisited. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 9(3):666-672.
- Chochinov HM & Derksen J. (2006). Disability and end-of-life care: let the conversation begin. Journal of Palliative Care. 22(3):175-182.
- Chochinov HM. (2006). Dying, Dignity and new Horizons in Palliative End-of-Life care. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 56(2):84-103.
- Stienstra D & Chochinov HM. (2006). Vulnerability, disability and palliative end-of-life care. Journal of Palliative Care. 22(3):166-74.
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- Chochinov HM. (2005). Cruising for a bruising. Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care, 3: 171.
- Chochinov HM & Sneiderman B. (2005). Dying with dignity: the doctor’s perspective, the lawyer’s perspective. Canadian Healthcare Manager. 12(8):23-24.
- Chochinov HM. (2005). Cruising for a bruising. Palliative and Supportive Care. 3(3):171.
- Menzies H, Chochinov HM, Breitbart C. (2005). Cytokines, Cancer and Depression: Connecting the Dots. Journal of Supportive Oncology. 3:55-7.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, Kristjanson L, McClement S, Harlos M. (2005). Dignity Therapy: A novel psychotherapeutic intervention for patients nearing death. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23:5520-5525.
- Chochinov HM. (2005). Global Sorrow Following Catastrophic Loss. Journal of Palliative Care. 21:136-138.
- Chochinov HM & Cann B. (2005). Interventions to enhance the spiritual aspects of dying. Journal of Palliative Medicine: 8(1).
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, Kristjanson L, McClement S, Harlos M. (2005). Understanding Will to Live in Patients nearing Death. Psychosomatics. 46:7-10.
- Chochinov HM. (2005). Vicarious Grief and Response to Global Disasters. The Lancet. 366:697-698.
- McClement S, Chochinov HM, Hack T, Kristjanson L, Harlos M. (2004). Dignity conserving care: Application of Research findings to practice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 10:173-9.
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- Chochinov HM & Stern A. (2004). Canadian Virtual Hospice. Journal of Palliative Care. 20(1):5-6.
- Chochinov HM. (2004). Defending Dignity. Journal of Supportive and Palliative Care. 1:307-308.
- Hack T, Chochinov HM, Hassard H, Kristjanson L, McClement S, Harlos M. (2004). Defining Dignity in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Factor-analytic Approach. Psycho-Oncology. 13:700-708.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, Kristjanson L, McClement S, Harlos M. (2004). Dignity and Psychotherapeutic Considerations in End of Life Care. Journal of Palliative Care. 20:142-143.
- Chochinov HM. (2004). Dignity and the Eye of the Beholder. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 22:1336-40. An article articulating the importance of ‘how one perceives oneself’ to be seen as an important mediator of dignity at the end of life.
- Chochinov HM. (2004). Palliative Care: An Opportunity for Mental Health Professionals. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.49:347-349.
- Chochinov HM. (2003). Thinking outside the box: Depression, hope, and meaning at the end of life. Innovations in End-of-Life Care. 4(6):973-7.
- Bordeleau L, Szalai J, Ennis M, Leszcz M, Speca M, Sela R, Doll R, Chochinov HM, Navarro M, Arnold A, Pritchard K, Bezjak A, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Sawka C, Goodwin P. (2003). Quality of life in a randomized trial of group psychosocial support in metastatic breast cancer: Overall effects of the intervention and an exploration of missing data. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 21:1944-51.
- Chochinov HM. (2003). Reflections of losing a friend. Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care. 1:109.
- Chochinov HM. (2002). Re: Dignity Conserving Care: A New Model for Palliative Care. JAMA, 288.
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- Schwartz L, Lander M, Chochinov HM. (2002). Current management of depression in cancer patients. Oncology. 16:1102-1110.
- Cohen L, Halls K, Morris J, Pekow P, Chochinov HM. (2002). Depression and suicidal ideation in patients who discontinue the life-support treatment of dialysis. Psychosomatic Medicine. 64:889-96.
- Chochinov HM. (2002). Dignity Conserving Care: A New Model for Palliative Care. JAMA. 287:2253-2260. A paper introducing the concept of Dignity Conserving care into the palliative care literature.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, McClement S, Harlos M, Kristjanson L. (2002). Dignity in the Terminally Ill: A Developing Empirical Model. Social Science and Medicine. 54:433-443. The first empirical study, using a qualitative approach, to address the issue of dignity in the terminally ill.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, Hassard T, Kristjanson LJ, McClement S, Harlos M. (2002). Dignity in the terminally ill: a cross-sectional, cohort study. Lancet. 360:2026-30. The first empirical study, using a quantitative approach, to address the issue of dignity in the terminally ill.
- Tataryn D, Chochinov HM. (2002). Predicting the Trajectory of Will to Live in the Terminally. Psychosomatics. 43:370-377.
- Wilson K, Chochinov HM, Allard P, Chary S, DeLuca M, Gagnon PR. (2002). The Canadian National Palliative Care Survey. J Palliat Care. 18:232.
- Chochinov HM. (2001). Interventions in end-of-life care. Archives of Internal Medicine. 161(8):1117-8.
- Chochinov HM. (2001). Depression in Cancer Patients. Lancet Oncology. 2:499-505.
- Carstairs S & Chochinov HM. (2001). Politics, Palliation and Progress in Canadian End of Life Care. The Journal of Palliative Medicine. 3:395-400.
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- Goodwin P, Leszcz M, Ennis M, Koopmans J, Vincent L, Guther H, Drysdale E, Hundleby M, Chochinov HM, Navarro M, Speca M, Masterson J, Dohan L, Sela R, Warren B, Paterson A, Pritchard K, Arnold A, Doll R, O’Reilly S, Quirt G, Hood N, Hunter J. (2001). The Effect of Group Psychosocial Support on Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer. N Engl J Med. 345:1719-1726.
- Lander M & Chochinov HM. (2000). Depression and the older dying patient. Clinical Geriatric Medicine. 16(2):335-56.
- Chochinov HM. (2000). A second primary. Palliative Medicine. 3:335-336.
- Lander M, Chochinov HM, Wilson K. (2000). Depression and the Dying Older Patient. Clin Geriatr Med. 16:335-356.
- Goodwin P, Leszcz M, Quirt G, Koopmans J, Arnold A, Dohan E, Hundleby M, Chochinov HM, Navarro M. (2000). Lessons learned from enrolment in the BEST study: A multicenter, randomized trial of group psychosocial support in metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Epidemiol. 53(1):47-55.
- Chochinov HM. (2000). Reply to, Attitudes of terminally ill patients toward euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Arch Intern Med, 160: 2454-60.
- Chochinov HM, Tataryn D, Wilson K, Ennis M, Lander S. (2000). Prognostic awareness and the terminally ill. Psychosomatics. 41:500-504.
- Chochinov HM. (2000). Psychiatry and Terminal Illness. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 45:143-150.
- Daeninck P, Honer J, Harlos M, Chochinov HM. (2000).The Changing Nature Of Utilization Of A Tertiary Palliative Care Unit (TCPU) Over The Last Decade. J Palliat Care. 16(3):88.
- Chochinov HM, Hack T, McClement S, Kristjanson L. (2000). The Palliative Care Dignity Inventory. Psychosomatics. 41:160.
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- Chochinov HM. (2000). The Senate Report on End of Life Care: The Ball is in Our Court. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 164:794-795.
- Chochinov HM, Tataryn D, Dudgeon D, Clinch J. (1999). Will to Live in the Terminally Ill, authors’ reply. The Lancet.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson KG. (1999). Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and physician-assisted suicide. New England Journal of Medicine, 340: 817.
- Chochinov HM & Wilson K. (1999). Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and physican-assisted suicide. New England Journal of Medicine. 340(10):817.
- Chochinov HM & Kristjanson L. (1999). Dying to pay: the cost of end of life care. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 14:5-15.
- Shuster J, Breitbart W, Chochinov HM. (1999). Psychiatric aspects of excellent end-of-life care. Ad Hoc Committee on End-of-Life Care. The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Psychosomatics. 40:1-4.
- Chochinov HM, Tataryn D, Dudgeon D, Clinch J. (1999). Will to Live in the Terminally Ill. The Lancet. 354:816-19. The first empirical study to address the issue of will to live in the terminally ill.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson KG. (1998). Re: Are you depressed? Screening for depression in the terminally ill. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155: 994-995.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson K, Enns M, Lander S. (1998). Depression, Hopelessness, and Suicidal Ideation in the Terminally Ill. Psychosomatics. 39:366-370. The first study to confirm the linkage between hopelessness and suicidal ideation in the terminally ill.
- Breitbart W & Chochinov HM. (1998). Psycho-oncology research: the road traveled, the road ahead. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 45:185-189.
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- Shuster J, Breitbart W, Chochinov HM. (1998). The APM’s Ad HOC Committee on End of Life Care: A Position Statement of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 1:113-115.
- Chochinov HM. (1997). Reply to Breitbart et al Interest in Physician-Assisted Suicide Among Ambulatory HIV-Infected Patients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 154: 294.
- Chochinov HM & Wilson K. (1997). Assisted suicide for HIV patients. American Journal of Psychiatry. 154(2):294-5.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson K, Enns M, Lander S. (1997). Are you depressed? Screening for depression in the terminally ill. American Journal of Psychiatry. 154:674-676. This screening approach has received endorsements from the American College of Physicians – American Society of Internal Medicine and the American Association of Clinical Oncology.
- Chochinov HM. (1997). Euthanasia, Social Policy and Empirical Data. Policy Options. 18(10):5-9.
- Chochinov HM. (1996). Reply to Bachman et al Special Article, New England Journal of Medicine, 335: 518-519.
- Wilson K & Chochinov HM. (1996). Physician Assisted Suicide. New England Journal of Medicine. 335(7):518-9.
- Goodwin P, Leszcz M, Koopmans J, Arnold A, Doll R, Chochinov HM, Navarro M, Butler K, Pritchard K. (1996). Randomized trial of group psychosocial support in metastatic breast cancer: The BEST study. Cancer Treatment Reviews. 22(Supplement A):91-96.
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- Chochinov HM & Wilson K. (1996). The euthanasia debate: attitudes, practices and psychiatric considerations. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 40(10):593-602.
- Chochinov HM & Wilson K. (1995). The Euthanasia Debate: attitudes, practices and psychiatric considerations. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 40(10):593-602.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson K, Enns M, Mowchun N, Lander S, Levitt M, Clinch J. (1995). Desire for death in the terminally ill. Am J Psychiatry. 152:1185-91. 10th most highly cited article in the history of the American Journal of Psychiatry.
- Breitbart W, Bruera E, Chochinov HM, Lynch M. (1995). Neuropsychiatric Syndromes and Psychological Symptoms in Patients With Advanced Cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 10(2):121-141.
- Goodwin P, Leszcz M, Pritchard K, Chochinov HM, Navarro M, Koopmans J, Arnold A, Doll R. (1995). The BEST study: A multicentre randomized trial of group psychosocial support in metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. 16:47.
- Chochinov HM. (1994). Psychiatric Care of the Cancer Patient. North American Medicine.
- Chochinov HM, Enns M, Lander S. (1994). Correlates of Desire for Desire for Death Among the Terminally Ill. Journal of Palliative Care. 10:131.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson K, Enns M, Lander S. (1994). The Prevalence of Depression in the Terminally Ill: Effects of Diagnostic Criteria and Symptom Threshold Judgements. American Journal of Psychiatry. 151:4. First major epidemiological survey of psychiatric morbidity in palliative care.
- Chochinov HM, Wilson K, Enns M, Mowchun N, Levitt M. (1992). Depression and Desire for Death in the Terminally Ill. Journal of Palliative Care. 8(3).
- Chochinov HM. (1989). Bereavement: A review for oncology health professionals. Cancer Investigations. 7:593-600.